Class Info

Ron Smith's Muay Thai Acadamy is based in St. Louis, Missouri. The school is located at 8416 Olive Blvd, St Louis, MO 63130, just East of I-170, in the rear.

Getting Started

No prior experience is required to begin training. Students must be at least 16 years old. The suggested minimal equipment includes athletic clothing, wrist wraps and bag gloves.

Class Schedule

Classes are held three times each week, Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Classes may be cancelled if they fall on a holiday or due to severely inclement weather. Students may contact Mr. Smith with any questions about the cancellation of class.

Class Structure

A typical class begins with a brief meditation, followed by rounds of shadowboxing, before moving into pad and/or partner work. Class concludes with another brief meditation. Class is typically followed with a few rounds of sparring. Students should arrive about 30 minutes prior to the start of class to stretch properly.


There are no joining fees or contracts. Dues are $70.00 a month and are collected between the 1st and 8th of the month.